

The Higher 教育 机会 Act became law in August 2008, 要求 all United States 学术 机构 to produce an annual Fire Safety Report 概述 fire safety 实践, 标准, and all fire related 校园 统计数据. The 后 public 信息披露 report details all 信息 要求 by this law as it relates to The 科罗拉多州 College.

General 声明 of 科罗拉多州 College Student 居民 住房:

At 科罗拉多州 College all Student 住宅 Halls are covered with 集成 fire 喷水灭火系统 systems and fire alarm systems which are 监控 24 小时/天, seven 天/周 by the Campus Safety 部门 and SimplexGrinnell 监控. These 建筑 also have fire 灭火器, 紧急 照明, exit signs and exit doors. The only 建筑 that are not covered with a 监控 喷水灭火系统 system or fire alarm system is the 跨信仰 House, Synergy House, 1002 N. Weber, 1010 N. Weber, and 233 San Rafael. 然而, these 建筑 are 装备 with smoke 探测器 and fire 灭火器.

住宅 Hall Fire Drills and 培训:

Fire drills are held once a 学期 for each student 住宅 hall. Fire drills are 强制性的 监督 疏散 of a 建筑. The fire drill is 计划 with the Campus Safety 部门 and the 住宅 Hall Staff and 宣布 at least 48 hours in advance. 每一个人 in the 建筑 must 参与 in the fire drill to the 最大的 extent 可能的. 疏散 route maps are posted in each 居民 room showing where the closest egress route is located. One should utilize the 指定的 fire escapes and/or all 推荐 紧急 程序 when the fire alarm sounds.

Fire Log:

A fire log is 维护 at the Campus Safety 部门 which is 可用 to the public during normal 业务 hours. This log records by the date that the fire was 报道 and any fire that 发生 in an 校园 设施. This log 包括 the nature, date, time and general 位置 of each fire.

Fire Safety:

The 后 政策 exist for safety 目的. 违反 of these 政策 may include 纪律 action and life safety fines.

  • Never tamper with smoke 探测器. If there is a 问题 about whether or not a 探测器 is working 正确 立即 consult a 住宅 life staff member or Campus Safety. If a smoke 探测器 starts beeping 偶尔, and there is not heat or smoke source, it 可能 needs a new battery. Contact the front desk or staff member on duty. After hours contact Campus Safety. NEVER REMOVE A SMOKE 探测器!
  • Door Closer 机制 must remain on doors at all times.
  • Don't abuse fire safety 设备. Report all 不能正常运行 设备 to 住宅 life staff.
  • Keep 走廊 free of debris and 个人 items.
  • Do not hang 任何东西 on the ceiling or drape 材料 that can cover or block lights, or smoke 探测器 or 洒水装置.
  • Do not stack 物品 or 家具 where it can block the flow from a 喷水灭火系统.
  • Do not store items where they may be 阻塞 a fire exit route. This 包括 窗户, window sills, and 走廊.
  • Do not tamper with or spray fire 灭火器. This will cause the release of a 化学 that can set off the 建筑 fire alarm.
  • Do not burn any 易燃 items.
  • Do not use or store 易燃 物质, such as 汽油, 丙烷、 sterno, and 清洁 fluids on or near 住宅 life areas. This 包括 camping stoves and 易燃 供应.
  • Do not 过载 电 outlets. The college 建议 only one 设备 per outlet, 特别是 in the older 历史 建筑.
  • Do not splice 电 wires or remove any outlet plates or light 开关.
  • Fire exit doors must remain closed when they are not being used as an exit in an 紧急. 居民 are 负责任的 for keeping door closed and unpropped.
  • Do not place Microfridges or 冰箱 in closets. Allow for proper air 循环 behind the unit.
  • Do not leave 电 电器 无人值守 when turned on.
  • 扩展 cords or 装饰 lights may not be routed under rugs or 地毯, through 门口, or in any manner that could present a fall or trip hazard or impede egress.
  • Dispose of trash as quickly as 可能的.
  • 易燃 装饰, such as live or 过度 绿色植物, 过度 amounts of paper, and large paper 装饰 are 禁止.
  • Keep all items at least three feet away from heating units.
  • No lofts may be built or used in student 住房、 other then those 提供.
  • 蜡烛, incense and hookahs are not 允许.
  • Open flames are not 允许 on campus unless written 批准 has been 获得 in advance from campus safety and 环境 health and safety.

篡改 with or 滥用 fire and safety 设备, such as fire alarms, fire 灭火器, smoke alarms, and exit signs, or 创建 a false alarm pose a serious threat to life and 财产 and will result in a fine and/or a 可能的 悬架. The college 储备 the right to take 纪律 action through the 适当的 college 渠道 and/or local law 执行 机构.

电器 and 电 设备:

Sharing a 住宅 社区 包括 sharing the utility 功能 of that 设施. Outlets and overall 电 能力 in all student housing areas can easily be 重载 if 误用, 特别是 in some of the more 历史 建筑. As a result 学生 are advised to use caution and limit their use of 电 设备 in the 住宅 建筑 to 最小化 risk of harm to 自己 and the 社区.

  • All 电 items must be 承销商 实验室 (UL) listed and in good 操作 条件.
  • 电器 may not have open flames or exposed heating 元素 and must be rated for 1,500 watts (maximum power draw) and/or 批准 for 15-amp circuit.
  • 允许 个人 电子产品 are 电脑, 音响/收音机, 打印机, razor, TV, hair dryer, fan, small lamp, cell phone 充电器, alarm clock, 回答 机器.
  • The only 允许 cooking related items are coffee pots, hot pots and popcorn poppers. All these items must have an 自动 关闭 feature in use.
  • Each outlet can draw up to 20-amps. Student should spread out 电器 within a room or 公寓 to lessen the load on 个人 outlets.
  • Microfridges, hair dryers and other such 电器 should be plugged 直接 into the outlet rather than a power strip. If your outlet is a two-prong outlet, you can 购买 an adapter at a local 硬件 store.
  • Iron must have a 10分钟 自动 shut off 机制 and should be used in common areas on an ironing board.
  • Do not leave items such as irons, 微波 and ovens 无监视的 while they are in use.
  • The same 标准 apply to the student 公寓, except that they may have 额外的 cooking items that meet the above 标准 in their kitchen. 允许 items are; 搅拌机, larger 冰箱、 烤面包机, 微波 ovens, ovens and 电 grills.

禁止 Items:

Any item that was not 提到 above as 批准 is 禁止. 例子 包括: 电 毯子, sun and heat lamps, torchiere-style halogen lamps or other lamps at risk of causing fire, crock pots, hot plates, 星球大战, 烤面包机, grills, etc.

Smoking Policy:

Smoking is 禁止 on the 科罗拉多州 College Campus. This 包括, but is not limited to, any 教室, 实验室, 图书馆, 办公室, 行政 建筑, 住宅 建筑, dining 设施, 休闲 复杂的, any outdoor areas or fields, etc.

Fire Alarms:

If a fire alarm occurs, the 科罗拉多州 Springs Fire 部门 and Campus Safety will respond to the 影响 建筑. Every student 住宅 建筑 is 连接 直接 to Campus Safety and SimplexGrinnell 监控 except 跨信仰, 协同作用, 1010 Weber, 1002 Weber, and 223 San Rafael, 学生 in these 建筑 should follow the same 疏散 程序 when smoke 探测器 激活; however they should also call Campus Safety 立即 from the outside of the 建筑. If an actual fire is 观察到, call 911 first and then Campus Safety, ext. 6911 (紧急 Number)

When a fire or other 疏散 alarm sounds, every person must follow these 程序:

  • Take your keys and CC ID with you.
  • 小心翼翼地 and calmly exit via the closet fire exit route. DO NOT USE THE 电梯.
  • Check each door for heat or hazard prior to opening. If your door feels hot or the exit path is 危险, remain in the 建筑.
  • If there is a 指定的 fire exit through your window, use it.
  • Leave room door closed.
  • Stay low to the floor and cover your mouth with a wet cloth to make 呼吸 easier in smoky 条件.
  • If you notice that 个人 cannot 谈判 the exit, move them 横向 away from any obvious danger to a safe place. Person with 残疾, such as those who cannot walk or be 协助 down the stairs, may elect to remain in the 建筑 until 紧急 人员 arrive.
  • Report the status and 位置 of anyone 剩下的 in the 建筑 to campus 急救员 (Campus Safety) and public 官员 (警察, Fire). Repeat this message often.
  • Stay 在一起 at a safe 距离 (50 to 100 yards, upwind) from the 建筑 until Campus Safety 表明 you can return to the 建筑.

If You Are Trapped Or Unable To Exit:

  • Stay calm and take steps to protect 你自己.
  • Close the room door(s).
  • Put cloth at the bottom of the door(s).
  • Call 911 (9 - 911 a campus phone) and stay on the line and indicate your 位置.
  • If 可能的, move to a room with an outside window.
  • Stay where rescuers can see you through the window and wave a 浅色的 item to attract their 注意.
  • If 可能的 open the window at the top and bottom. Be ready to shut the window quickly if smoke rushes in.
  • Be patient. The rescue of 居住者 of large 结构 could take time.

In The Event Of A Fire:

  • Alert others in the 立即 area and activate the nearest fire alarm on your way out.
  • Call 911. Then call Campus Safety, ext. 6911 (紧急 Number).
  • Don't fight a fire if you have not been trained or are unsure about what type of fire 灭火器 to use. Most 可移植的 灭火器 are 适当的 for only small 包含 fires, such as a fire in a 废纸篓.
  • 还记得 to never fight a 传播 or growing fire and never block your escape.
  • Close doors to help prevent the fire from 传播.
  • Advise 紧急 人员 the size and 位置 of the fire.
  • Do not 重新输入 the 建筑 that is on fire.
  • Advise 紧急 人员 if you know that someone is in the 建筑.

Note: Any fires that were quickly 熄灭 or any 证据 of recent fires must be 报道 立即 to Campus Safety who will in turn 文档 the 事件 as 要求.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/17/2020